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/groups/Test Group
JWSmythe   -   5 months ago  

This is another post to Test Group
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

/groups/Test Group
JWSmythe   -   5 months ago  

test post to test group
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

/groups/00 CryptMsg Bug Reporting Group
JWSmythe   -   5 months ago  [none]

This is the CryptMsg bug reporting group. If you found a problem, look to see if it has been reported. If it hasn't, make your own post. If it has leave constructive feedback on the existing post.

Details are always very important, something you think is important that wasn't mentioned may make the difference between it getting fixed, or chasing it as an intermittent bug.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   5 months ago  

Good News Everybody! Facebook is down.
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   5 months ago  

I just read the posting notes.
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   5 months ago  

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   6 months ago  


👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   6 months ago  

You'll never see this here.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

Evening cat tax.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
Kevin Buley
  -   7 months ago  

Did not die today (so far).
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
Joel Sassone
  -   7 months ago  

This is a post.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

Test post, showing advanced blocks.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?> </body> </html>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a velit mauris. Cras porta odio non leo lobortis fringilla. Curabitur a mi a turpis pharetra consectetur vel non tellus. Duis porttitor est condimentum, pulvinar ante in, imperdiet nisi. Suspendisse ac augue consequat est tincidunt pellentesque eget vel ipsum. Morbi porttitor libero nec rutrum imperdiet. Morbi massa orci, hendrerit ac imperdiet at, blandit at elit. Suspendisse metus mauris, ultricies sit amet massa sed, accumsan imperdiet elit. Sed ut diam ut lorem elementum mollis. Pellentesque nisl libero, placerat tincidunt tempor nec, varius nec nibh. Nulla ultricies elit augue, eu finibus erat lobortis id. Pellentesque eu posuere sem.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

I am posting a test, to see if it works.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
Justan O'usr
  -   7 months ago  

This is my test, to show that things work.
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

No longer boring.

This is a BOLD and exciting post

line 4
line 5
line 6
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is a test post.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

asdfasdf afsd
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is a friends post, for my friends to see

<quote>Quoting you, saying something smart or funny</quote>
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is bold text with bracket b bracket This is italic text with bracket i bracket This is underlined text with bracket u bracket This is bold text with double asterisks

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is bold text with bracket b bracket This is italic text with bracket i bracket This is underlined text with bracket u bracket This is bold text with double asterisks

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

'/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/is' => '<strong>$1</strong>', '/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/is' => '<em>$1</em>', '/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/is' => '<u>$1</u>',

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is bold text with bracket b bracket
This is italic text with bracket i bracket
This is underlined text with bracket u bracket
This is bold text with double asterisks
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is a quote

with bracket quote bracket
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is code if (!isset($pieces[0])){ $pieces[0] = ''; } if (!isset($pieces[1])){ $pieces[1] = ''; } if (!isset($pieces[2])){ $pieces[2] = ''; }

with bracket code bracket
👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠

Public Feed
  -   7 months ago  

This is a test post.

The second paragraph.

Some <a href=''>forbidden html link</a>

A forbidden image tag
<img src=''>

And two cat pictures.

👍 🧡 😄 😮 😐 😢 😠
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